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The magic of paintball

As a Global Entrepreneur I have been blessed with the ability to see many other industries from the inside. To this day there is still something magical about the sport of paintball. My role is to work with paintball field owners and come along side them to help them start profitable and stay profitable. To do this I still need to know what it is that paintball players want and need. Below is a quote from a beginner paintball team that really says it all and I wanted to share it with you.

“First and foremost, I want to say thank you for the generosity you’ve displayed with the sponsorship of our team.  This is going to sound corny, but having the financial backing to compete in a complete tournament series has done something you may not have intended.  We haven’t competed in anything as brothers since we played hockey together 10 years ago.  Coming together on a team again has pulled us all a little closer and that is something that is awesome no matter how things turn out on the field.  So again, thank you for providing the vehicle for that improvement in our lives.”

This is just one of thousands of stories like this, the reason I share it is because owning a paintball field is so much more than just a business. So if you really want to make a difference in peoples lives then owing a paintball field is a great way to go.

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