Paintball Blog
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Good question! Many of us are hoping it will. The real truth about the paintball business and owning or starting a paintball field is this, people play to escape their problems. So if candidate ” A” wins,  you can bet a lot of people will be sad and will want to escape for the next 4 years!

However, if candidate ” B ” wins, guess what? You can bet a lot of people will be sad and will want to escape for the next 4 years! So in a sense you win as the paintball field owner.

A great way to insure this is, the day after the election, send out an email special/ facebook/ text etc. and say ” Come light up the president this weekend and win a free ipod.”   You can buy an ipod for $50 but the draw you will get from this promotion will be huge!!! Then hire or make one of your sponsored teams or employees , dress up as the president and run around during the games.  If he gets hit , he gives the shooter a raffle ticket. At the end of the day you draw the winner. Must be present to win, so they stick around and shoot more paint : )    ** Make sure to subscribe to this blog so you can get more great ideas **

In the earth shattering response to my video I put out this week on how to grow your paintball business for free, here is the contact information for George the worlds best jeweler who’s story I highlighted in the video. Want to save a few thousand on ring or ear rings? George is the man!

What? you missed the video, that’s ok, here is the link and it should be embedded below as well.

George can be reached at 213-627-7620   He can do any type of custom jewelery and he specializes in wedding rings and loose diamonds. This is THE ONLY jewelry hook up you need!! Make sure to tell him Evan money sent you!

Also, if you want to see a picture of the superbowl ring, e-mail me at

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