Paintball Blog
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What is the #1 most important step when starting a paintball field? It’s not what you think. It isn’t raising capital or finding an investor, it isn’t finding potential locations or even picking your name. The #1 step is…

Decide!  That’s right, you must decide to open your field. The Latin root word of decide means to CUT OFF or KILL , as in to cut off or kill any other alternative than to start a paintball field. Once you do this, the rest is just minor details.

Yes, you still need a name and a location and possible funding ( we we can offer by the way) but the most critical step of all for your success, is to make the decision to start your paintball field. Once you have cut off any alternative, then you can kill the nagging doubts like ” what if it doesn’t work.” etc..  Here is a thought, what if it does work? What if you make so much money you have to open 5 more bank accounts? Think about how much money you are losing by not opening your paintball field.

Take Action now and make a quality decision to start your paintball business today. We are standing by ready to help!