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At last, all the challenges of traditional paintball have been solved. The main two challenges are the price of paintballs and the pain factor.

Welcome Gellyballs. Money Paintball dealers get Gellballs for only $99 for 500,000 rounds!  That’s right, 500,000 normal paintballs would cost over $6,000.

Best of all Gellyballs don’t hurt.

Lastly as a money Paintball dealer, you get your own territory!

Get more details below:


How much money can I make?

At the rate of $350 per party ($30 per person) the average dealer makes roughly $6,000 – $7,000 before more Gellyballs are needed.

 What are the specs on the Gellyball Pistols?

Commercial Grade
Weight: 1 lb.
Capacity: 750 GellyBalls
Battery life: 3000 shots<
Rate of fire: 15 GellyBalls per second
FPS: 120
Range: Up to 100′

 How do the Gellyballs get bigger?

The Gellyballs start out SUPER small, see video below. Once you soak them in water for 3 hours they get to full size with a long shelf life.


Do they hurt like regular paintballs or reballs?

NO! They shoot at only 120 FPS which is 60% slower than a paintball gun. Plus the ball is softer and filled with water, so it’s fun to get hit. With normal paintball when someone gets hit you hear “OUCH”. When someone gets hit with Gellyball you hear people laugh : ).

 Will Gellyball replace paintball?

NO WAY! Paintball is the ultimate extreme sport. Gellyball is for fun and a few laughs. So not only do you get a younger demographic you get the parents as well that want to play.

Check out all the Gellyball options,  CLICK HERE