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It’s a great question, what will happen to paintball fields with COVID , and is it still a good idea to start a paintball field or business?

The answer is simple, YES!!!!  And here is why.

COVID isn’t going to last forever. Sure there are many opinions on what is really going on, regardless, “this too shall pass.” And when ( not if) but when it passes, people will be lining up like never before to play. Regardless of why the economy is like.

Here is proof, when the crash hit in 2009/2010,  paintball fields were booming with new business. Not just fields but all forms of entertainment, like Disneyland. Disney even raised their park ticket prices! It’s true, during the worst depression the county had known in almost 100 years, Disney raises their park prices, why? Because of the demand.

I must mention that tournament paintball took a huge hit during the crash and has not recovered, but tournament style paintball is less than 10% of the market.

The bottom line is this, no matter what the economy is doing, good times or bad times, people want to escape and play paintball. Now compound this by people being locked up in their homes with nothing to do for way too long, mark my words paintball is going to hit it’s biggest growth spurt.

The question is, are you going to take advantage of it?

Think about it, commercial real estate is at an all time low. Now is the time to lease to own a building or field,  the prices and lease flexibility will never be more in your favor that it is now! Take advantage of it.

Growing up as a surfer I learned very quickly, you have to start paddling early in order to catch a wave. Otherwise it just passes you by.

Take Action Now and you will be so glad you did.