Paintball Blog
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In the earth shattering response to my video I put out this week on how to grow your paintball business for free, here is the contact information for George the worlds best jeweler who’s story I highlighted in the video. Want to save a few thousand on ring or ear rings? George is the man!

What? you missed the video, that’s ok, here is the link and it should be embedded below as well.

George can be reached at 213-627-7620   He can do any type of custom jewelery and he specializes in wedding rings and loose diamonds. This is THE ONLY jewelry hook up you need!! Make sure to tell him Evan money sent you!

Also, if you want to see a picture of the superbowl ring, e-mail me at

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Now that Lance Armstrong is done fighting all the people that don’t like him, I’m assuming for passing all his drug tests. He can now focus on his charity and paintball would be a great addition. In Lance’s latest post on his website today he said that his foundation focuses on serving people and families affected by cancer. What better way than to start a paintball field!

Here at Money Paintball we have supported many charity based paintball fields through our own charity. Paintball is such a great sport because anyone can play in any condition. Some may not be in a condition to get shot back but they sure can enjoy doing some shooting.

Even if you have started a paintball field already or are still planning, I encourage you to create some space to do some charity work. It could be once a year, once a quarter, once a month or more. Something is better than nothing. It could be as simple as allowing inner city youth to play for free once a month. Worried about the cost?  Give them the new splatmaster guns, they could play all afternoon and a group of 10 would only use one case of paint max!

If your totally clueless on what charity to support with your paintball field don’t worry. Just  put up a little paper sign by your registration that says: Do you know a good charity? We want to help!  and watch what happens!

There is a lot of magic in giving, try it!

First off this blog isn’t about the Cathy family and what Dan Cathy said or meant etc.. What it is about,  is what we as paintball business and field owners and people looking to start a paintball business or field can learn from it.

Let’s go back in time and see what the paintball perceptions were in the 80’s at the start of our great sport. Paintball was for Ex Vietnam Vets and people that wanted to play War Games, and it was really, really expensive.  I paid $10 for 10 shots at our local field!

Now the 1990’s  Paintball was perceived as a obscure sport for reckless thrill seekers, similar to Hang Gliding or Sky Diving. People at my church used to come up to me and say, I heard you were in the Ping Pong business or the Pinball business. Paintball was still an unknown to the masses. And starting a paintball field was unheard of!

In the 2000’s Paintball became a house hold name and mainstream  thanks to all the Big Box stores carrying the markers and supplies. In the mid 2000’s Money Turf was used as ESPN covered Paintball and now Paintball became at last a Real Sport. Before the crash, money was easy to get and starting a paintball field was extremely easy.

Present Day, Paintball is played by all races , religions, ages 10 – 100, economic brackets and it’s played in over 60 countries in the world.

Your perception of Chick-fila may have changed over the last week, but aren’t you glad paintball’s perception has changed for the better and is embraced world wide?  Just imagine when paintball gets in the Olympics in 2020. More on that in a different blog.

A successful Paintball Field will have 4 main streams of income:

Entry fee



Rental Gear ( Mask, Tank, Marker)

You want to price them high individually and then offer a discount for a package.


Entry fee $25

Paintballs $15 for 500 rounds

Air $10 all day

Rental Gear- mask,tank, marker $25

Then offer a  Gold Package that  includes: Entry fee, 500 rds. of Paintballs, Air ,Rentals for $55

or a Silver Package that includes : 1/2 day Entry fee, 200 rds Paintballs, Air , Rentals for $45

Why?  Well for one thing the customer can see in black and white that he is getting a great deal with the package. Keep in mind most of the profits are made from players renting equipment, these are the areas to focus on , private groups like: Birthday Parties,  Church Groups, Bachelor Parties, Bachelorette Parties and Corporate Groups are the Big 6 that will give you 85% 95% of your profits. Focus on these areas.

Then next question most people ask that are looking to start a paintball field is, how much should I charge for each stream ( paint, air, rental gear & entry)?

Should my entry be high and paint prices low? or the other way around?

Also you may be wondering about Walk on Players or Tournament players that both have their own gear.
Don’t panic, I will cover these questions quickly and simply:

Regarding what your pricing should be for each stream ( paint, air, rental gear & entry) The simple answer is, it doesn’t matter. As long as they equal a MUCH HIGHER PRICE than your packages.

Plus, you can always change them. That’s what’s so great about the paintball business and starting a paintball field, it’s flexible. Try the prices listed above for a month or two and then change them and see what happens. Each paintball field has it own unique success formula with in the formula. Meaning, that in some parts of the country a high entry fee and low paintball price works really well. For other fields just the opposite is true.

Now the question arises about field paint or bring your own paint. The best solution that I have seen in 16 years and what we use on our Franchise Fields that run 200 to 500 players a day is….  If you rent our gear you have to use our paint. Simple!

Finally let’s touch on Walk on Players and Tournament Players, these are key areas when starting a paintball business or paintball field. Keep in mind 85% to 95% of your profit comes from the rental player! This is your main course, so focus on that, Walk on players are like your gravy. If you get a big group one week , excellent, if not, no big deal. Walk on players will find you and you don’t have to market to them. Just supply them with great reffs and great fields and they will come again and again and bring friends with them.

DO NOT EVER let your WALK ON’S play with your rental parties. Keep them separated at all times.  Also as your walk ons grow you want to have two groups, beginners and advanced. This keeps new players from getting shot up by the experienced players with the high end guns.

For Tournament players, this will require a separate blog, so keep reading to find out more about how to start a paintball field successfully.

For 100% financing and turn key packages, check out

Starting a paintball field or paintball business is the dream of most you reading this blog. Don’t let it turn into a nightmare! It’s a fact that over 50% of paintball fields close because they make too much money! You heard it correctly, making too much money is often worse than not making enough.

Most paintball field owners start small ( size & money is relative but in this case we are talking under $100,000 USD. )  These new paintball business owners typically keep their day job and work the field on weekends. They go from making $2,800 a month to $30,000 a month and simply blow a fuse. Just look at all the lottery winners and pro athletes that do the same thing.

Another common mistake new paintball field owners make is, they get the “urge to splurge.” One field owner in Los Angeles used to take his $5,000 or $10,000 he made that day in cash and walk straight into his favorite strip club. Would it surprise you if I told you he is no longer in business. Other paintball business owners have a big weekend and splurge on a new car. They figure a $2,000 a monthly lease payment is nothing when they made $10,000 last weekend. But then they get a few rainy weekends or the weather suddenly turns cold, now that $2,000 lease payment becomes a burden.

The main solution is to save then spend! There is nothing wrong with splurging! Just splurge after you have 6 months operating capitol ( INCLUDING PAYING YOURSELF) before you go buy something big. You will be glad you did.

Start your paintball field today with 100% Financing. Check out

If you want to start a paintball field or start your paintball business, this question is usually one of your first. However the answer may surprise you. Because there is no right amount!  After starting over 1,000 paintball fields around the world I can tell you this, it’s not an amount, it’s a mindset.

For example, if borrowing $20,000 to start your paintball field will keep you up at night in cold sweats, and borrowing $10,000 is no problem at all, then $10,000 is what you should invest. Conversely, if you don’t have an issue borrowing $500,000 , then that is the best number for you. It’s all about what you are comfortable with.

I know what your going to ask, won’t the $500,000 field be so much better?  Again, the answer may surprise you. Any size paintball field or paintball park is 1 million times better than no park at all.  I personally know three  field owners who have been in business for over 16 years. They all started small and now their businesses have grown tremendously. Should they have waited until they got all the funding they needed? If they did, they never would have gotten started!

Take Action NOW! And start your paintball field! We can even finance you 100% ! Check out

Recently I have had quite a few new, would be field owners, ask me if they should take some kind of college courses or wait until they finish college before they start a paintball field. My answer is this: People don’t go to your paintball field because you went to college, they go because they want to have fun an escape from life for a while.

It’s also safe to say that the person teaching the “business class” has never owned a successful business before.  This isn’t always the case, but 99% of the time. I can guarantee they have never owned a successful paintball business.

This isn’t a slam on higher education but more of a common sense post.  The Degree you get from a college doesn’t make you successful, rather you make the Degree a success. Speaking of common sense, isn’t it interesting that big name colleges invite college and high school dropouts to speak at their graduation ceremonies. Doesn’t that tell you something?

So the main keys to starting a paintball field and making it a success is, always follow your dream, Take Action, put in the work to make it happen and don’t listen to nay sayers, choose to be great! Enjoy this video below about how I started my paintball company:

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After starting more than 1,000 paintball fields and working with all kinds of celebrities , a Tim Tebow owned paintball field would be a great idea! As of today it’s still just an idea, but you never know.

So where am I going with this blog you may wonder. Well there is a lot we can learn from Tim Tebow’s situation in Denver and now in New York.

#1. Always be ready–  How can you book a party of 60 people if you only have 20 guns?  Don’t get me wrong, if you don’t have the money I don’t want you go steal guns. Simply find a way to get guns, for instance you may want to call some of your friendly competitors if you have any, and see if they will rent you any guns. Or some of the local paintball stores may have guns to rent.  The time to find out is now, before you get the call for a 60 person party.  Also , now is a good time to start buying one  or two guns a week, before you know it you will have a full fleet!

#2. You never know where you might be sent- Your current landlord may change his tune or worse die, and the new land owners may want you gone, overnight. Now that’s a drastic scenario I know, but the point is, you never know what will happen. Trust me, after 25 years I have seen the above scenario happen a few too many times. So what do you do? Always keep an eye out for a better location! If you see one, contact the agent and go kick some dirt. Touch base with the agent every 6 months or so and see what’s on the market. I know everything is perfect now, just like it was with Tebow winning the Broncos first playoff game in forever. But things charge very quickly, so be ready.

There is never a dull moment when owning a paintball field, that is for sure. Lastly, make sure to e-mail me when Tim Tebow comes to your field!

<b>Real field owners give their opinion on starting a paintball field with Money Paintball!</b><p>


This is a question I’m asked every day by people who want to start a paintball field. Below is a great answer from a legendary business consultant.

” Capital in your business isn’t what matters. It isn’t the money that buys you a future; it’s your skills that buy you a future. Money and no skills, I’m telling you, you are still poor. Money and no ambition, where are you? Money and no courage, you’re broke. A little bit of money and a whole lot of courage is all we need.”

So let me remind you, it’s courage to start your paintball field that counts. Most People want to stay in their cubical and play it safe. But after all the layoffs over the past few years, the cubical isn’t safe either. So the real reason people don’t start a business is fear! They are afraid to change. Interestingly enough, courage doesn’t mean you are not scared, it means you do it anyway in-spite of your fear.

Also it’s important that you work on your skills while you are looking for funding. Remember we offer 100% Financing, however you must have the skills to run your paintball field once you get the financing. The best way to get skills is to read all our blogs and all our free tools at In addition you can visit other paintball parks and take notes on what you like and don’t like and what you would improve. Lastly you can invest in some tools, like our bestselling e-book: How to Recession Proof your Paintball Field or use our consulting packages.

Just remember, have courage and get skills and the money will take care of itself.